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Joshua Hood writes insightful article about COIN, David Petraeus and his upcoming testimony before congress For The Havok Journal

Joshua Hood, author of the action packed 2015 novel Clear by Fire, recently penned an insightful article for The Havok Journal.

In the article, Hood offers his expert analysis on several topics, all centered on former CIA Director David Petraeus. To read the article in it’s entirety please click here.

Hood, a decorated combat veteran who served in the 82nd Airborne division, is a now a full-time SWAT team member in Tennessee. Clear by Fire was his debut novel and the first book in a new series about ex-special forces operator Mason Kane. His second book, Warning Order, comes out June 7, 2016. You can pre-order it here.

Here’s a quick excerpt of Joshua Hood’s article:

COIN, an examination: Hidden amidst the media scrutiny following the recent terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino is an interesting aside. In January, David Petraeus, co-author of the Counter Insurgency manual, and disgraced director of the CIA, is going to testify before the special house subcommittee on the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed four Americans.

While our political betters will no doubt use hearing as an opportunity to make political hay, Petraeus is one of the few people who can answer a question he posed in 2003.

The Legend is Born

David Petraeus is an interesting character. He has many admirers, and even more detractors. He goes by many names: the man who saved Iraq, General Betray Us, and my personal favorite, the Perfumed Prince. But where did he come from?

Again, read the rest of the article on The Havok Journal’s website, or just click here.

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