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A Book Spy Review: ‘Two Nights’ By Kathy Reichs

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Living alone on a remote island off the coast of South Carolina, Sunday Night (that’s not actually her real name) no longer knows what she wants in life. Her childhood was a total mess, and now, as an adult, she’s still struggling to move on and find her way. 

Having left her job as a police officer under unfortunate circumstances, Sunday has no idea what’s next–and then her foster dad, Beau, shows up in need of her help. 

Back when she was a troubled young girl, after losing her mother and barely escaping a dangerous cult, Sunday was mixed up in lots of trouble. It was Beau who took her in and added structure and discipline to her routine. Whatever Beau didn’t instill in her, the United States Marine Corps did–and Sunday is a better person for having both in her life. For that reason, when Beau swings by to offer advice and enlist her help, Sunday listens. 

Though she’s no longer a cop, Beau sees no reason she can’t still use her brilliant investigative mind. To do that, he suggests to Sunday that she lend a hand to Opaline Drucker, a wealthy man whose teenage granddaughter is believed to have been kidnapped by a cult. 

Beyond just the obvious cult connection, Sunday and Drucker’s granddaughter, Stella, have much more in common. For example, like Sunday, Stella’s parents were both killed–though the circumstances are different–and both have a history of rebellion. However, once Sunday begins her investigation, things take a turn as the story moves towards a chilling domestic terrorism plot that takes off and never lets up. 

Fans of Reichs’ Temperance Brennan series can expect the same fast-paced, entertaining writing style to kick off the author’s new series, though the characters themselves are very different. Sunday, who has a bit of an edge to her, is a strong, complex new heroine whom Reichs has developed well. The secondary characters (including Sunday’s twin brother, August) all lend something to the story–which is solid from start to finish.  

Two Nights is another hard-to-put-down thriller from Kathy Reichs, who continues to put out high-quality thrillers year after year. 

Book Details

Author: Kathy Reichs
Series: Sunday Night #1
Pages: 336 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 0345544072
Publisher: Bantam
Release Date: July 11, 2017
Book Spy Rating: 6.5/10
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